Nippon Car Security System Manual Ncs

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Run the car for at least 10 minutes after cranking the engine to allow the car to reset the alarm. The Ultimate Guide to Hush a Car Alarm; Keep the Car Thieves Away with these 5 Tips! Reset the car's computer. It is another way to solve the problem of anti theft system car wont start. Disconnect the positive terminal of the battery. May 15, 2012 Nippon central locking system in my WagonR 2007 Hi all, I want to know whether i can use remote for lock/ unlock my car. Currently it has a Nippon NCS 058 model central lock, car can be locked with key manually from driver side. The previous owner/dealer didn't provide me with the remote key.

~ SUZUKI Count on us
NCS- 409/509
1. In case of loss of remote, please contact the nearest authorized service centre oryour nearest dealer. 2. In case of weak batteries or weak transmission of signal, please contact the nearest authorized service centre or you r nearest dealer for replacement of battery. 3. The personalized Pin Code should be programmed first by the authorized dealer or service centre and then may be change d by the user for making it user-friendly. 4. The dealer programmable features should be programmed only by the dealer or any authorized person to avoid any malfunctioning of the system. 5. If due to wrong programming, there is any malfunctioning, the user is advised to programme to valet mode and seek the help of the nearest dealer or authorized service centre. 6. If the system is programmed to passive lock mode, the doors will lock automatically when key is removed from cylinder and last door is closed. It is always advisable to carry the key each time you exit the vehicle. 7. Warranty void if completed warranty card not received by MiS Nippon Audiotronix Ltd. within 30 days of purchase of the vehicle. Note: In Lx and Lxi version of the vehicle there is no key switch provided in the vehicle. In this case all Key Switch related function will operate by IGN. except Room lamp to turn ON when key is removed from key cylinder.
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The convenience of Keyless Entry clubbed with arming and disarming enables you to arm
& disarm the vehicle by pressing the remote button, This feature is confirmed both by the siren chirps and blinking of indicator lights, This feature can be operated in the following Modes : 1, Remote 2 , Remote 3, Remote 4, Remote
Lock (with sound)
Unlock (with sound)
Lock (silent)
Unlock (silent)
NOTE: Keyless Lock &Arm/Unlock & Di sarm will not function if any door is open,
2. ROOM LAMP ILLUMINATION (switch position at 'door') Illuminated Entry: When unlock buflon on remote is pressed or door is unlocked by vehicle key the room lamp will turn ON to facilitate illuminated entry into the vehicle and will turn OFF itself after lS sec if no door is opened after unlocking, When any door is opened the room lamp will turn ON again if turned OFF after 15sec of unlocking the vehicle and will turn OFF after 15sec of closing all the doors to facilitate illuminated entry into the vehicle NOTE: In between 15sec after closing all the doors if driver inserts the b:!'y into the cylinder the room lam p will turn OFF in stantly
* For Lx, Lxi version of the vehicle, Room lamp will turn OFF when IGN, is turned ON, D
Illuminated Exit: When key is removed from the cylinder the room lomp will turn ON to facilitate illuminated exit. If none of the door is opened within 15sec of key removal from cylinder the room lamp will turn OFF itself When door is opened to exit the vehicle, the room lamp will turn ON again ( If turned OFF after 15sec of key removal from key cylinder) and will turn OFF after 15sec of closing all the doors to facilitate illuminated exit. In between 15sec of all door closure if door is locked by key or by pressing the lock button on re mote the room lamp will turn OFF instantly.
3. DOORS/TRUNK/BONNET PROTECTION This feature provides security for all four doors, trunk & bonnet & also ensures indicator su pervision.
4. PERSONAL PROTECTION ALARM (PANIC ALARM) By pressing the remote PANIC button for more than 2 seconds, Panic alarm will be acti vated & siren will sound and indicator light will flash. Panic alarm is designed to bring attention to the vehicle and surrounding area, warning about an intruder. Pressing the PANIC button again will turn off the Panic alarm.
5. MUTE LOCK/ UNLOCK This feature enables you to Lock / Unlock the vehicle without the chirp sound, in a silent zone or anywhere desired . Press and release the PANIC butto.n before pressing LOCK and UNLOCK button on the remote transmitter.
6. REMOTE ADJUSTABLE - TWO STAGE SHOCK / IMPACT SENSOR # This is a very important feature of security, thereby enabling further protection of your vehicle from any shock or breakage to the vehi cle. If anybody tries to tamper with the vehicle, the alarm triggers, warning you that your vehicle is being intruded. The triggering of the alarm is in two stages, first acting as a warning to the intruder and then at full blast. The sensitivity of impact sensor can be adjusted by remote transmitter as desired by the user.
# Note: All features related to shock sensor is an option . These features will operate only if it is available in that particular variant. 7. AUTO REARM System will automatically lock and arm the vehicle if none of the door is opened within 30seconds of unlocking/ disarming the vehicle by remote transmitter.
8. CAR LOCATOR In a congested/pocked parking area, the vehicle can be located by pressing the panic button for more than 2sec. The indicator light will flash fO!' 30sec. Press panic button again to turn OFF the indicator lightfla shing.
Remote ceases to function when IGN is ON.
10. FLASHING LED The flashing LED always reflects the status of the system as per the following:
Disarmed condition
LED does not glow
Armed condition
Slow Flashes of LED
Passive Arming condition
Fast Flashes of LED
11. PERSONALISED PINCODE This feature enables you to programme a 4-digit pincode which will be known only to you acting as a secret key / code to the system.
12. EMERGENCY DISARM (Programmable) The programmed 4-digit pin code enables you to do an emergency disarming in the event of loss of both the transmitters and any unforeseen circumstances. The 4-digit pincode acts as a secret key. This can be personalized by the user acting as a secret key / code to the system.
13. VALET MODE When the vehicle is to be given for servicing or valet parking and the system is to be used only as a keyless entry thereby turning off all the security features. This feature can be programmed.
14. PASSIVE/ACTIVE ARMING Passive Arming means that the system will automatically arm the vehicle after 30 second of removing the key and last door closure. This is also referred to as automatic arming. Active Arming means that the system will not arm the vehicle until you manually do so by pressing the Lock button on your remote. This is referred to as manual arming.
15. PASSIVE LOCK Passive Lock means that all doors will lock automatically after 30 seconds of removing the key and last door closure, when passive arming is ON. In Passive Lock the vehicle will get locked as well as armed automatically. This can be switched ON only if passive arming isON
f 16. DRIVE LOCK/UNLOCK MODE User can programme drive Lock mode by Speed or' IG or can tu rn OFF drive lock. During speed lock all the ve hicle doors gets locked wh en a speed of 20 km/hr or more is attained. In IGN loc k mode all the doors gets locked afte r 20 seconds of turning ON the IGN. If drive lock is programmed OFF no doo r will lock. Drive un lock can be programmed by removing the key from the key cylinder or by turni ng OFF the Ignition or no drive unlock (i.e. drive unl oc k OFF) All the doors wi ll unlock immed iately. In case if drive unlock is programmed OFF then no door wil l unlock either by turning IGN OFF or by removing key from key cylinder
17. ANTI-HIJACK The An ti-Hijack mode can be used to discourage a potential vehicle hijacker from violating you and your vehicle while you are driving it. If somebod y tries to open the door' under IGN ON condition (while dri ving) the An ti-Hijack mode gets trigge red .
18. INTRUSION ALERT The system gives a report rf it ha s been tampered in your absence.
Visual- LED
2 Flashes
Fou r Chirps
Door/Trunk Intrusion
3 Flashes
Four Chirps
Igniti on
5 Flas hes
Four Chirps
Diagnostic report # Built in Shock Sensor Triggered
For Lx, Lxi version of the vehicle, if drive unlock is programmed by key, then it will work by
IGN. furn OFF.
Press and release the transmitter LOCK button. One chirp and one indicator lightflash will confirm alarm ON . Doors will get locked and vehicle will get armed. Visible theft warning LED light will flash slowly.
-=3 8 1 FLASH
NOTE: Room lamp if ON with its switch at door position will turn OFF . If the system is in Passive Arming (Automatic Arming) 1. The LED will flash rapidly during a 30 seconds arming delay. At any time dUI'in g
seconds arming delay, you can always press and release transmitter LOCK button to a rm 2. 3. 4. 5.
manually. After a 30 seconds delay, security will arm automatically. One chirp sound and one indicator light flash will verify this operation . Doors will be locked if passive lack is programmed ON. Visible theft warning LED light will flash slowly.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Press and release the transmitter UNLOCK button. Two chirps and two indicator light flashes will confirm alarm OFF. Doors will get unlock and vehicle will get disarmed. The LED theft warning light will stop flashing .
NOTE: Room lamp will turn OIJ if its switch is at door position. 1.3 PERSONAL PROTECTION ALARM (PANIC ALARM) 1. Press and hold the transmitter PANIC button for more than 2 seconds. 2. Personal Panic alarm will be acti vated and siren will sound and indicator lights will flash 3.
for 30 seconds. Then it shuts off automatically. Press and release the tra,nsmitter PANIC button to cancelthe Panic a larm.
FOR 30 SEC .
1.4 EMERGENCY DISARM BY PERSONALIZED PIN CODE The programmed 4-digit pin code enables you to do an emergency disarming in the event of loss of both the transmitter or any unforeseen circumstances. The personalised 4-digit pin
code acts as a secret key, to emergency disarm the vehicle. 1. Turn the IGN ON, OFF and then ON. 2. Enterthe FIRST digit (for e.g. to enter 2 press and release valet switch twice) 3. Turn the IGN OFF then ON. 4. Enter the SECOND digit. S. Turn the IGN OFF and then ON. 6. Enterthe THIRD digit. 7. Turn the IGN OFF and then ON. 8. Enterthe LAST digit. 9. Turn the IGN OFF and then ON. The vehicle will get disarmed.
1.5 VALET MODE To turn off all security features and use the system as keyless entry only there by turning off all the alarm features (excluding drive lock/ unlack), this feature can be programmed. Programming va let mode: 1. Close the door. 2. Turn IGN ON-OFF quickly. 3. Press and hold va let switch for 3 sec minimum , LED will turn ON for 1 minute and then wil l turn OFF permanently. Repeat step 1-3 to come out of Valet mode, 1 chirp sound will indicate VALET MODE OFF.
1.6 MUTE LOCK/UNLOCK Arm/ Disarm chirp can be temporarily excluded from your remote transmitter. To use this function 1. Press and release the transmitter PANIC button. 2. Press and release transmitter LOCK or UNLOCK button for desired function. Example: To lock the system without the chirp sound, press and release the transmitter PANIC button first, then press and release the transmitter LOCK button .
1.7 SHOCK SENSOR SENSITIVITY ADJUSTMENT VIA REMOTE # I. Full Blast adjustment: Full Blastcan be adjusted in 161evels as mentioned below 1 . Press Lock button on remote to Lock/Arm the system 2. Within Ssec press panic button for at least 2sec. Siren will give Long Chirp to confirm entry into sensitivity adjustment mode i) Press Lock button to adjust the sensitivity one step lower. Siren will give one chirp every time lock button is pressed till at level 0 where it will give a long chirp. When adjusts to level 0, Full Blast will turn OFF. ii) Press Unlock button to adjust the sensitivity one step higher. Siren will give two chirp every time unlock button is pressed till at level16 where it will give a long chirp.
II. Pre warn adjustment: Pre warn can be adjusted in 16 levels as mentioned below 1 . Press Unlock button 'on remote to Unlock/ Disarm the system 2. Within Ssec press panic button for at least 2sec. Siren will give Long Chirp to confirm entry into sensitivity adjustment mode i) Press Lock button to adjust the sensitivity one step lower. Siren wi ll give one chirp every time lock button is pressed till at level 0 where it will give a long chirp. When adjusts to level 0, Prewarn will turn OFF. ii) Press Unlock button to adjust the sensitivity one step higher. Siren will give two chirp every time unlock button is pressed till at level 16 where it will give a long chirp.
Passive Arming ON/OFF
Passive Lock ON/OFF
Drive Lock Mode
Drive Unlock Mode
Siren chirp ON/ OFF
Shock Sensor ON/ OFF #
Anti Hijack Mode
2.1 PASSIVE /ACTIVE ARMING Passive arming means that the system will automatically arm the vehicle after 30 seconds of removing the key from key cylinder and lost door closure. This is also referred to as Automatic arming. Active arming means that the system will not arm the vehicle until you manually do so by pressing the arming button on your remote, this is also referred as manual arming.
Passive Mode 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Open the Door of your vehicle. With your vehicle key in the key cylinder, turn IGN ON and then switch it OFF. Press and release the valet switch ONE time. Press and hold the valet switch. One chirp sound confirms entry into Passive Arming ON/OFF programming mode. Press the transmitter LOCK button (while holding the valet switch), a single chirp sound confirms Passive Arm ing OFf 7. Two-siren chirp sound confirms the mode changed to Passive Arming ON. 8. Release the valet switch. 9. Turn the ignition ON.
2.2 PASSIVE LOCK Passive lock means that all doors will lock automatically after 30 seconds of removing the key from key cylinder and last door closure. In Passive Lock the vehicle will get locked as well as armed. Passive Lock only works when Passive Arming is ON.
Programming Passive Lock: 1. 2. 3. . 4. 5.
OpentheDoorofyourvehicie. With your vehicle key in the key cylinder, turn IGN ON and then switch it OFF. Press and release the valet switch TWO time . Press and hold the valet switch. . Two-chirp sound confirms entry into Passive Lock ON/ OFF programming mode.
6. Press the transmitter LOCK button (whil e holding the va let swi tch), a sin gle chirp sound con firms the mode cha nged to Pass ive Lock O FF. 7. Two-siren ch irp sound confi rms the mod e cha nged to Passive Lo ck ON. 8. Release the va let swi tch. 9. Tu rn the ignition ON.
2.3 DRIVE LOCK MODE Drive Lock mode meon s th at all doors wi ll lock automatically at a '~o rt icular speed (20Km/ Hr) or 20 seco nds after the IGN key is turned ON.
Programming drive Lock mode: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Open the Doorof your ve hicle. With your vehicle ke y in the key cylinder, turn IGN ON and then switch il C Press and relea se the valet swi tch THREE times. Press and hold the valet switch. Three-chirp sound confirms en try into Dri ve Lock prog ram l~ Ii _ mode. Press the tran smitter LOCK bu tton (wh ile holding the valet swi tch), a sing ie ch irp sound confirms mod e changed to speed lock. 7. Two-siren ch irp sound co nfirm s mode chang ed to ignition lock . 8. Three-siren chirp sound confirms drive lock mode off. 9. Releose the vo let switch 10. Turn th e igniti on ON
2.4 DRIVE UNLOCK MODE Drive unlock mode means th ot al l doors will unl ock automaticolly when th e vehicle key* is removed or Ignition is turned OF F.
Programming drive unlock mode: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Open the door of yo ur ve h icle. With your veh icle key in the key cyl inder, turn IGN ON and then switch it OFF. Press and relea se the valet switch FO UR times. Press and ho ld the vo let switch. Four-chirp sound confirms entry into Drive Unlock progro mmi ng mode . Press the tronsrn itter LOCK button (whi le ho lding th e volet switch), 0 single chirp sound confirms mode changed to key switch unlock. 7. Two-siren ,_hirp sou nd confirms mode chonged to IGN O FF unloc k. 8 . H:ree-si re n chirp so und confirms drive unlock mode off. 9. Release the '10 let sw itch
10 Turn th e IGN ON.
2.5 SIREN CHIRP Siren Ch irps are produ ced whenever system is armed o r disa rmed . This can be programmed ON /OFF as per th e user requirement.
Programming Siren Chirp ON/OFF: 1. Open the Do or of yo ur vehicle. 2. With your vehicle key in the key cylinder, turn IGN ON and th en sw itch it OFF. 3. Pre ss and release the va let switch FIVE times. * For Lx, Lxi vers ion of the vehicle, if drive unlock is programmed by key, then it will work by IGi'l. turn OFF.
4. Press and hold the valet sw itch. S. Fi ve-ch irp sound confirm s en try into Siren Chirp ON/OFF prog ramming mode. 6. Press the tran smitter LOCK button (whil e ho lding the va let switch), a single chirp sou nd confirms the mode changed to Siren Chi q: ) N. 7. Two-siren ch irp sound confirms th e mode cl'lo nged to Siren Chirp OFF. 8 . Turn the IGN ON .
2.6 TWO-STAGE SHOCK SENSOR # Thi s is a ve ry importan t fe ature o f securi ty, thereby enabling further protection of yo ur ve hi cle fro m any shock o r breakage to th e vehi cle. If any body tries to tamper wi th the ·.! ehicle, the ala rm trigge rs , warning you that you r vehicle is being intruded. The triggering of the alarm is in t'lv : stages, first acting as a war nin g to the intruder and the n at full blast. Th e impact sens or senses an y jolts or bumps as sociated with veh icle intrusion. This feature per the users requ irement. ca n be prog ra mmed ON / O FF
Programming Shock Sensor ON/OFF: 1. 2. 3. 4. S. 6.
O pen the Door of your veh icle. With your vehicle key in the key cylinder, turn IGN ON and the n switch it O FF Press and re lease the valet switch SIX tim es. Press and ho ld the va let switch. Six-chirp sound con firm s entry into Shock Senso r ON / O FF programming mode. Press the transmitter LO CK button (while holding th e va let switc h), a sing le ch irp so und confirms th e mode changed to shock senso r ON . 7. Two-siren ch irp sou nd confirms the mode chang ed to shock sensor OFF. 8. Release the valet switch. 9. Turn th eiGNON.
2.7 ANTI-HIJACK MODE ,Ln ti -hijack mode can be used to di scourage a potential hiiacker from violat ing you and yo ur vehi cle while yo u are driving it. The opening and then closing of th e ve hicle door . gers it whe n IGN is ON and you are driving the vech ile. Siren will start ch irping after 20 . ',<.o nd s of trigg erin g and it will con tinue to chirp for 20 seconds after th at it wi ll cont inuously blow. After the trigger, th e veh icle cannol be disarmed by remote transmitter and emergency disarm code is to be entered to come out of anti-hijack mode. Before the continuous blow of the siren one can tu rn OFF the trigger by pressing the valet switch once and can drive normally.
Programming Anti-Hijack mode ON/OFF: 1. 2. 3. 4. S. 6.
Open the Doorofyourvehicle. W ith you r vehicle ke y in the key cylinder, turn IGN ON and th en switch it OFF. Press and release the va let switch SEVE N time s. Pre ss and hold the va let switch. Seven-chirp sou nd confirms entry into Anti-H ijack ON / O FF program ming mode. Press the transmitter LOCK button (while holding the valet switch) , a singl e ch irp sound confi rms the mode changed to Anti-Hiiack mode ON . 7. Two-siren ch irp sound confi rm s the mode changed to An ti-Hija ck mode O FF. 8. Release the va let switch. 9. Turn the IG N ON.
U is..l P T - ~ s :s. ,-.:; ~
2 . Oper. ji e door. 3. Tu rn IGN 0 ihen OFF 4. Within 5 seconds press and release va let switch 5 times. A short chirp followed by long ch irps confirms entry into PIN CODE programming mode. 5 Press LOCK button on remote transmitter, after a single chirp enter the FIRST digit (with in 1-9) by pressing valet switch (for e.g. to enter 2 press and release valet switch two times). 6. Press LOCK button on remote transmitter, after two chirp enter the SECOND digit (wi th in 1-9) by pressing valet switch. 7. Press LOCK button on remote transmitter, after 3-chirps enter the THIRD digit (with in 1-9) by pressing valet switch. 8. Press LOCK button o n remote transmitter, after 4-chirps enter the FOURTH d igit (with in 1 ­ 9) by pressing valet switch.
TRANSMITTER BATTERY REPLACEMENT INSTRUCTIONS Recommended Battery: +3V Lithium Battery (CR2032) 1. Remove bock cover and then remove the old battery carefully. 2. Replace with fresh new battery a nd close the back cover. 3. Press any button to check for light flash from LED. The battery being replaced should be inserted after checking the polarity.
NOTE: Normal battery life is approximately 3 years, but varies depending on usage. For optimum performance and proper RF range, replace the battery at least once a year. It is advisable to get battery replaced from any authorized dealer or service centre.
Green indicator light of the
• Battery of the transmitter
transmitter daes nat light while the control buttons are pressed.
REMEDIES • Replace the battery.
is weak. • Battery of the transmitter is not placed in the transmitter
• Replace it in correct polarity.
with correct polarity.
Transmitter can't activate or deactivate the central lock system or alarm
• Battery of the transmitter is weak .
• Replace the battery.
• Trans mi tter is exposed to wate r or it is wet.
• Dry the transmitter and fine-tuning may be necessary.
• In-line supply fuse for • Replace the fuse. co ntroler is blown in the vechile . • In case if any door is open or door • Check if all doors are properly sensor is shorted with the body closed and door switch functioning is O.K. ground , remote will not activate the central locking I alarm system. Control distance of the transmitter becomes nearer (less than 10m)
• Battery of the transmitter
• Replace the battery.
is weak .
• Strong RF interference.
• Drive the ve hicle away
(e.g. Radio Towers, High Voltage
from the particular spot
Transmission line near by )
and re-test the contro l distance.
It is difficult to activate or deactivate the system in certain area using the
• The strong interference caused by excessive RF activity in a particular area
• The interference is temporary and only while the vehicle is in that area.
transm itter. Open door(s), front
• The contact point of the
bonnet or rear boot,
door(s), front bonnet or rear
does not trigger the alarm.
boot switch is faulty. • The connection of door(s),
• Repla ce the defective Switch.
• Make proper connection.
front bonnet or rear boot sw itch is loose. Siren does not sound when alarm is triggered .
• The connection of the siren
• Make proper con nection.
wire is loose. • Siren is faulty.
• Change the siren.
LV'I..P..P t f » V
Authorised Service Network
NIPPON AUDIOTRONIX LTD. (Head Office) C-4, Sector- 12, Naida-201301 Tel.: (0120)-2545555 / 4266104-6
1187/27, Butte Patil Building,
Bhagirathi Corner, Nr. Bal Gandhav Chowk,
Shivaji Nagar. Tel.: (020)-25511343
MUMBAI- NAL NIPPON AUDIOTRONIX LTD. (Branch Office) 9, Rayfreda Building, Second Floor, Andheri , Kurio Rood, Near Holy Family Church, Chokio, Andheri [East). Tel. : 022 - 65777771 / 72
CHENNAI NIPPON AUDIOTRONIX LTD. (Branch Office) 72 , Ormas Rood , KIL Pauk. Tel. : (044)-26446247 / 26446288
Flat No. 3A, BlockNo. C, Saraswati Apartment,
86, GolaQhata Rood .
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12 & 13, Anupam Shopping Centre ,
Jodhpur Village Rood,
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Tel.: (079)-26921714/26921805
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RAJKOT AMBICA SERVICES 'Yogeshwar', Jagnath Mandir Chowk, Dr. Yagnik Rood . Tel.: (0281)-2465615
Behind Center Point, Civil Char Rasta,
Near K.P. Sanghavi Hospital,
Near New Custome Office, Motilalwadi ,
Tel.: (0261)-2461082
VADODARA ROUNAK ELECTRICALS 72, Vishwas Colony, Opp. Khusboo Comer Alkapuri. Tel: (0265)-2336233 / 2313397
AUTHORISED SERVICE CENTERS (EAST ZONE) ASANSOL CHAUDHARY ELECTROMACK S.P. Mukherjee ·Road, Murgasol Opp. Aroti Apartment . Tel.: (0341) - 6418843
R.D. ELECTRONICS . Opp. Mahavir Bhawan, Kumbparwada Aurangapura. Tel.: (0240)-2343719
INTELEC DISTRIBUTOR 447 , Sahid Nagar. Tel.: (0674)-6523636
HI-TECH ELECTRONICS B1-A ( Basement), Souza Towers, Opp . Municipal Gorden, Panjim. Tel.: (0832)-2437138
DIGITAL WORLD A. K. Azad Rood , Bu rman Complex, Rehabri . Tel. : (0361 )-2603911
JAM NAGAR NAREN ELECTRONICS Satyanarayan Mandir Rood. Tel. : (0288).;1556787
KOLHAPUR ANAND MOTORS 1243/ 57, Rajaram Rood. Tel.: (0231 )-2668501
MUMBAI SADHWANI SERVICE CENTRE 20,25,26, Candy Castle , Opp . Telephone 8hawan , Colaba. Tel.:[022)-22041347 / 22832483
KOLKATA WINNER'S 157'A, Lenin Sarcnl. Tel.: (033)-22158036 / 22159754
Narsingh Market, Main Rood, '
Kankar BaQh, Opp Chandan Automobile.
Tel.: (0612)-6450790
137, Teerath Mansion , Near Over Bridge,
Ground Floor, 5, Main Rood .
Tel.: (0651 )-2330915 / 09431175639
UNITY ELECTRONICS Shop No.4 7 -A, First Floor, NMC Mini Complex Mangalwari Bazar Sadar. Tel. : (07T2)-6611236 / 2596805
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Authorised Service Network
Block No . 77 , M.K. Towers,
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Tel.: (0532)-2609924/2608014
Building No.8, Near Gagan Cinema,
Batala Road.
Tel. : (0183)-2276009/2274002
106/5, 1st Floor,
Opp. Sainik Petrol Pump,
Civil Lines. Tel.: (0581 )-2552204
BHATINDA AUDIO VIDEO CENTRE Near Gole Diggi , Amrik Singh Road. Tel.: (0164)-3093113 / 09872780615 BHOPAL SUNIL DISTRIBUTORS
Z8, Zone 1, M .P. I'-Jagar.
Tel.: (0755)-5270228
BIKANER BHARTI ELECTRON IX Pardesio Ki Masjid , So dual Colony Opp . Sainik Petrol Pump, Tel.: 09414283725/09413481350 CHANDiGARH G. V. EL ECTRONICS S.C.O. 58, Sector 20 C. Tel.: (0172)-3062347 DEHRADU N SMILE CARE 16, Rajpur ROc' d , Near Old Chungi. Tel.: (0135)-3091491/2713222 GORAKHPUR RAGHUVANSH I SYSTEMS CORPORATION
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Adj. Petrol Pump, Betiahata. Tel. : (0551 )-3098961 / 09335717302
43, Manik Vilas Colony,
Hotel Landmark,
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Tel.: (0751)-2230678 / 5015355
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Tel. : 09896391033
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Tel.: (0731 )-2528543/5064106
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Tel. : (0761)-4004632
JAIPUR MOTOWORLD INDIA B-22 , GOllesh Marg , Opp. Jain Temple Babu Nagar. Tel.: (0141)-2719058 JALANDHAR ELECTRO CARE
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JODHPUR MELODY ELECTRONICS Bombay Motor Circle, Behind Rajasthan Bank. Tel.: 09414145724 KANPUR SERVE N CARE 109/ 330A, Ram Krishan Nogar. Tel.: (0512)-2540330/3950190 KARNAL GUPTA ELECTRONICS
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Tel. : (0184)-2273653 /3 091575
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Tel.: (0186)-3098710
PATIALA JATIN ELECTRONICS 3-8, Ghuman Colony, Near No. 22 Rail Phatak. Tel.: (0175)-2226086
RAIPUR ELECTRONIC CARE HOUSE Infront of Naveen Market, Phool Chowk, G.E. Road. Tel.: (0771)-2535396
Main Road, Street No.1 0,
Rajender Nagar.
Tel.: (07672)-504261 /09300769872
Pratap Villa, Lal Mandi,
Near Hotel Le. Meridian.
Tel.: 09419261389
33/2380/A5, Near Kerala Auto Garage,
Vaishali Bus Stop,
Chakkaraparamvu, Thammanam P.O.
Tel.: (0484)-2805557
16-A, Satyamoorthy Road,
Ram Nagar.
Tel.: (0422)-2230467
L- 12 , Laxmi Complex,
Neelingin Road.
Tel.: (0836)-353567/354372
KOTTAYAM RHYTHM ELECTRONICS 13/1091, Erayilkadavu. Tel.: 09895365684
MADURAI BHARATH ELECTRONIC CENTER No .3, West Perumal Maistry Street. Tel.:(0452)-2341535 /2345376
13-4-377,384, Hamkatta,
Opp. Gov!. College.
Tel.: (0824)-2510922
Ground Floor, Tak International Hotel,
Opp. Nashi Electricals, New 8apu Bazar.
Tel.: (0294)-5100530/09828144530
VARANASI YETI T.V.HOUSE & SERVICES DEPOT S 19/42,Varuna Bridge. Tel. : (0542)-2506195/2501969
SECUNDERABAD THE SWASTIKS Shop No. 27, Shellar Chennoy TrQde Cente':,. Park Lane. Tel.: (040)-5,228232
TRIVANDRUM CP AUTO IMPEX Opp. S.B.T. Kesavadasapuram Thiruvananthapuram. Tel.: (0471)-2551855
HI-TECH SERVICE POINT No. 277, 5th Cross, 6th Block Behind 8ethaney School Koramangla . Tel.: (080)-51105959 / 09845006909
SOUND 'N' SOUND Shop No.21, Hilton Tower, Raja Gopalachariya Street Near Upsara Theatre. Tel.: (0866)-2578422
Shabari Building, S-5 / 2142,
Wayanad Road.
Sri Nilaya Complex,
5th Lane, Dwarakanagar.
Tel.: (0891)-2556575
Volkswagen Golf Owners Manual / Before the journey / Opening and closing / Central locking system / Anti-theft alarm

First read and observe the introductory information and safety warnings

Depending on the vehicle equipment level, the vehicle may have an anti-theft alarm and a SAFELOCK mechanism .

The anti-theft alarm makes it more difficult to break into the vehicle or steal it.

The anti-theft alarm is activated automatically when the vehicle is locked using the vehicle key.

When does the system trigger an alarm?

The anti-theft alarm will sound an acoustic alarm for approximately 30 seconds and trigger a visible warning for up to 5 minutes if any of the following unauthorised actions are performed while the vehicle is locked:

  • In vehicles with an open lock cylinder: a door unlocked mechanically with the vehicle key is opened and the ignition is not switched on within approximately 15 seconds.
  • In vehicles with a covered lock cylinder: a door unlocked mechanically with the vehicle key is opened.
  • A door is opened.
  • The bonnet is opened.
  • The tailgate is opened.
  • The ignition is switched on using an invalid key.
  • The vehicle battery is disconnected.
  • There is movement inside the vehicle (in vehicles with interior monitoring) .
  • The vehicle is towed (vehicles with anti-tow alarm) .
  • The vehicle is lifted (vehicles with anti-tow alarm) .
  • The vehicle is transported on a car ferry or by rail (vehicles with anti-tow alarm or interior monitoring) .
Nippon car security system manual ncsa

First read and observe the introductory information and safety warnings

Depending on the vehicle equipment level, the vehicle may have an anti-theft alarm and a SAFELOCK mechanism .

The anti-theft alarm makes it more difficult to break into the vehicle or steal it.

The anti-theft alarm is activated automatically when the vehicle is locked using the vehicle key.

When does the system trigger an alarm?

The anti-theft alarm will sound an acoustic alarm for approximately 30 seconds and trigger a visible warning for up to 5 minutes if any of the following unauthorised actions are performed while the vehicle is locked:

  • In vehicles with an open lock cylinder: a door unlocked mechanically with the vehicle key is opened and the ignition is not switched on within approximately 15 seconds.
  • In vehicles with a covered lock cylinder: a door unlocked mechanically with the vehicle key is opened.
  • A door is opened.
  • The bonnet is opened.
  • The tailgate is opened.
  • The ignition is switched on using an invalid key.
  • The vehicle battery is disconnected.
  • There is movement inside the vehicle (in vehicles with interior monitoring) .
  • The vehicle is towed (vehicles with anti-tow alarm) .
  • The vehicle is lifted (vehicles with anti-tow alarm) .
  • The vehicle is transported on a car ferry or by rail (vehicles with anti-tow alarm or interior monitoring) .
  • A trailer that is connected to the anti-theft alarm system is removed .

Switching off the alarm

Nippon Car Security System Manual Ncs 3

Unlock the vehicle using the release button on the vehicle key or switch on the ignition using a valid vehicle key. In vehicles with Keyless Access, the alarm can be switched off by gripping the door handle .

The alarm will be triggered again if a person gains access to the same or a different secured zone after the alarm has been switched off. For example, if the tailgate is opened after a door had been opened.

The anti-theft alarm will not be activated if the vehicle is locked from the inside using the central locking button .

If you unlock the driver door mechanically using the vehicle key, only the driver door is unlocked, and not the whole vehicle. The SAFELOCK mechanism on all doors is not deactivated and the central locking button is not activated until you switch on the ignition (however the doors will not be unlocked).

The anti-theft alarm will not function correctly if the vehicle battery is weak or discharged.

SAFELOCK mechanism
First read and observe the introductory information and safety warnings Depending on the vehicle equipment level, the vehicle may have a SAFELOCK mechanism and anti-theft alarm . ...
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Fig. 32 Next to the driver seat: button for switching off the interior monitoring system and anti-tow alarm Fig. 33 In the roof console: sensors for the interior monitoring system First read a ...
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